
Posts Tagged: trace minerals for livestock

beef and dairy cattle cobalt

Importance of Cobalt to Beef & Dairy Cattle

By Dr. Dan Schauff, Ph.D., PAS What is Cobalt, and Why is it Important? Cobalt is an essential trace mineral for ruminant animals such as dairy and beef cattle, sheep and goats. The main function of cobalt in ruminants is to be a component of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. Vitamin B12 is an […]

The Importance of Trace Minerals: Chromium

The Importance of Trace Minerals: Chromium

By Dr. David Jones, Ph.D., P.A.S. Chromium is an important trace mineral. In fact, evidence for an essential role for chromium in humans came from patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (Anderson, R.A.  1995.  Chromium and parenteral nutrition.  Nutrition.  11:83-86). Patients developed diabetic symptoms that were alleviated by the addition of chromium.  This finding created interest […]