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By-Product & Alternative Feeds, cattle eating

By-Product & Alternative Feeds

By Dr. James C. Coomer, Ph.D., P.A.S. Milk prices have decreased significantly in 2015 and look to be trending similar or lower in 2016, which will cause most dairy producers to consider cost-cutting strategies.  Feed costs are always a prime candidate for reducing expenses since feed costs typically make up about 50% of total cash […]

cattle grass water belly

Urinary Calculi (Water Belly)

By Dr. K. E. Lanka, Ph.D., P.A.S. What is Water Belly? Water belly is a condition caused by stones that block the urethra in cattle and other animals.  These stones or “urinary calculi” may cause partial or complete blockage of the passageway by which urine is excreted from the urinary bladder.  Usually, water belly occurs […]

The Importance of Micro-Minerals: Iron

The Importance of Micro-Minerals: Iron

By Dr. Gene P. Gengelbach, Ph.D., P.A.S. Iron (Fe) is the most abundant element (by weight) on Earth, since it makes up most of the Earth’s core, and is the fourth most common element in the Earth’s crust. However, Fe is considered as a trace- or micro-element in nutrition, since it only makes up approximately […]

Dealing with the 2015 Corn Silage Crop

Dealing with the 2015 Corn Silage Crop

Although the Southeast has suffered through some horrendous flooding in the last few weeks, most of the rest of the country has experienced a warm, dry period this late summer/early fall.  Throughout the Midwest, the last 6 to 8 weeks have been characterized by an abundance of sunny and windy days which is conducive to […]


Strengthening Intestinal Defense Mechanisms with a 43-cc Scoop

By Drs. Pat Brown, Ph.D., and Dave Jones, Ph.D. The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) marks the physical boundary between an animal and the contents of its intestines. This boundary allows direct contact between the immense surface area of the GI tract and the intestinal contents (digesta). The contents include a far-ranging mixture of undigested feed […]

cows eating hay iodine

The Importance of Micro Minerals: Iodine

By Dr. K. E. Lanka, Ph.D., P.A.S. What is Iodine, and Why is it Important to Cattle? Iodine (I) is one of seven generally recognized micro minerals needed in the diets of dairy cattle and other animals.  It is unique among minerals because a deficiency leads to a specific and easily recognizable thyroid gland enlargement, […]

beef and dairy cattle cobalt

Importance of Cobalt to Beef & Dairy Cattle

By Dr. Dan Schauff, Ph.D., PAS What is Cobalt, and Why is it Important? Cobalt is an essential trace mineral for ruminant animals such as dairy and beef cattle, sheep and goats. The main function of cobalt in ruminants is to be a component of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. Vitamin B12 is an […]

Trace Mineral Interactions

Micro-Minerals: Molybdenum

By David Donaldson, B.Agr, N.Sch, P.A.S. Molybdenum is required in small amounts in the diets of farm animals. No discussion on the requirements of Molybdenum (Mo) can be considered without also considering the Copper requirements of the animal. Early interest in Molybdenum (Mo) was less concerned with the daily requirement for Mo than the effects […]

Agri-King Drench is a cattle nutritional product for stressed cattle.

Micro-Minerals: Selenium

By Dr. Aimee Hafla, Ph.D., P.A.S. Selenium is a necessary mineral for both humans and animals and naturally occurs in varying concentrations within the soil in all parts of the world.  Available selenium in the soil is taken up by many plants, including some cereal grains and forages used for livestock feed. Selenium is an […]

The Importance of Trace Minerals: Chromium

The Importance of Trace Minerals: Chromium

By Dr. David Jones, Ph.D., P.A.S. Chromium is an important trace mineral. In fact, evidence for an essential role for chromium in humans came from patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (Anderson, R.A.  1995.  Chromium and parenteral nutrition.  Nutrition.  11:83-86). Patients developed diabetic symptoms that were alleviated by the addition of chromium.  This finding created interest […]

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